My Account
Our clients can obtain a current summary of their investment holdings at any time by logging into this secure web service.
Please click to view more details on My Account.
Today’s GIC Rates
We survey the market every morning to find the highest interest rates offered for Guaranteed Investment Certificates across over 30 financial institutions all covered by Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)coverage.
Please click to view today’s best rates.
For more information about CDIC coverage, please visit their website at
Other Resources
We publish articles on financial planning topics, case studies on common financial strategies, and a quarterly newsletter on financial planning and investment management strategies. We also maintain an index of links to online resources on other websites to assist you in your own research.

New issues of the newsletter are available only by subscription, which is available free-of charge. Each time a new edition is published, the previous one is added to the list of back issues on our News page.
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